Welcome! I’m Sharandeep Kaur.


Welcome beautiful Womxn! 

I’m Sharandeep and I’m so excited that you are here. 

I wanted to share a bit about me and my journey here.

I’m a womxn’s feminine embodiment coach, but I’m a sovereign womxn first. I’m an old soul. A reclaimer of ancestral shakti medicine. A deep-feeling person. A rebel and truth-teller. An embodied Punjabi Sikh Womxn. 

Have you ever felt confused, disconnected from yourself, overwhelmed and burned out, and like something is missing on a soul level? 

This burning question is what has led me here, in partnering with Womxn to let their body lead and rediscover their sacred feminine power and gifts, with clarity and depth for the path ahead. 

I guide women to reclaim their Shakti (power), wholeness, and freedom as I experienced and embodied this in my own life. 

Life is full of surprises as they say, but in my case, I could not have foreseen the magic that would unfold from who I once was - a stressed-out, miserable, traumatised, and disembodied womxn living a life that frankly, I did not choose for myself. 

Like many daughters of immigrants I followed a prescribed path, played the rules, and was unaware of my trauma and conditioning within an intersection of cultural, patriarchal, and racial oppression that manifested in challenging ways in my whole being (as chronic illnesses, anxiety, menstrual disorders, spiritual stress) and thus in my life. 
As I spent years exploring my identity, different Asian healing modalities, and healing the disconnection to my ancestral lineages, I found that much of today’s life/mindset coaching and talk therapy approaches did not work for me. I later discovered this is because trauma and tension live in the body, and cannot only be intellectualised at the mind level for change to happen. Although learning modern concepts and frameworks was undoubtedly helpful, I could not seem to change my deep-seated patterns and behaviour in real-life until I worked with the body somatically. Nor could I make sense of the spiritual disconnection I felt to my culture, where I belong, and to my womxnhood.

Working with and not eliminating the body made sense to me, as I had experienced profound healing from holistic medicines such as Ayurveda and Yoga therapy - the world’s oldest psychosomatic therapies. In Ayurveda, Yoga therapy, and Feminine Embodiment (which has its foundation in Tantric philosophy), we believe the ‘body’ comprises of multiple layers - physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies - that are interconnected and not separate. It made sense that the soul-level disconnection I felt, manifested as physical ailments and illness. I needed to face my feelings through my body's sensuous language by listening to the messages my body was giving me. This is the realm of the Feminine

The more I explored therapeutic concepts in a feminine embodied way i.e. in my body, the more I experienced that we as people are like layers of an onion(!). We have thousands of layers of conditioning (social, patriarchal, colonial, cultural, epigenetic) and unfolding these layers is a continual process. The deep patterns of conditioning are imprints, called samskaras in Yogic and Ayurvedic philosophy. Over time, I found answers from within my body, hidden gems and innate gifts available to us as Womxn, such as creativity, sensuality, magnetism, pleasure, and intuitive wisdom. 

I felt the extraordinary effects in my life from allowing my body to lead. Through devotion to feminine embodied practice and following my intuition, my sense of belonging strengthened too. I reconnected to my suppressed femininity and womxnhood, that is paradoxically celebrated and shamed in many patriarchal, hyper-masculine cultures. I moved through much of the emotional, mental, and spiritual stress that held me back from knowing and expressing my true Self out into the world. 

Rooted in my body’s feminine essence, I am empowered to trust my body’s messages and intuition, honour her feminine-cyclical rhythms, express my soul gifts, identify my goals and desires, make bold decisions, and live in flow and alignment. 

I am the expert on me, and you are the expert on you. I desire this sovereign, sacred power for all womxn. 

ESPECIALLY if you are a Womxn of colour, marginalised, or oppressed in any way. I intimately know how it feels to have your safety, personal agency, and voice continuously stripped away from you (and your ancestors’). I know in my body what it takes to rise out of survival, dismantle internalised oppression (trauma), and dream a new life. I am so here for you to reclaim your sacred feminine power, despite the ongoing oppression and marginalisation we face with our multiple identities.

I believe sovereign, embodied Womxn can change the world. It’s time for us to write a new Herstory, for our ancestors’ and for future lineages of Womxn.

I am holding the vision for our individual and collective embodied liberation. 

I am so glad you are here my love. 

If you are interested in one-to-one private coaching with me let's book in a time to chat.

With all my love,

Sharandeep x